The 22nd edition of the Frontier International Film Festival has been announced. It is scheduled in Marzamemi (Pachino, Syracuse), from 14 to 18 September 2022. The news is announced by the director Nello Correale. The creator and artistic director announces the publication of the announcement (in Italian and English) of the “ConCorto”, the short film competition of the film festival. Between narrative shorts, documentaries and feature films, the festival has the ambition to show a series of innovative works in terms of language and content. 22nd edition of the Frontier International Film Festival Marzamemi 14 to 18 September 2022 Nello Correale ConCorto”, the short film competition 22nd edition of the Frontier International Film Festival Marzamemi 14 to 18 September 2022 Nello Correale ConCorto”, the short film competition 22nd edition of the Frontier International Film Festival Marzamemi 14 to 18 September 2022 Nello Correale ConCorto”, the short film competition “It will be an authentically international edition – declares Correale – we totally hope in attendance. The audience that awaits us in the square of Marzamemi needs it, under the four screens that will host the films accompanied by authors from various parts of the world. Cinema and those who do it need it. The desire of all of us is to finally put the difficult two years of the pandemic behind us and do everything possible to bring the horizon of peace closer “. “It will be an authentically international edition – declares Correale – we totally hope in attendance. The audience that awaits us in the square of Marzamemi needs it, under the four screens that will host the films accompanied by authors from various parts of the world. Cinema and those who do it need it. The desire of all of us is to finally put the difficult two years of the pandemic behind us and do everything possible to bring the horizon of peace closer “. “It will be an authentically international edition – declares Correale – we totally hope in attendance. The audience that awaits us in the square of Marzamemi needs it, under the four screens that will host the films accompanied by authors from various parts of the world. Cinema and those who do it need it. The desire of all of us is to finally put the difficult two years of the pandemic behind us and do everything possible to bring the horizon of peace closer “. Filmoteca Laboratorio 451 Andrea Di Falco Chiara Pitti, Elisa Ragusa and Francesco Savarino January 1, 2021 June 30, 2022 navigate to this website The screening in Sicily must represent an absolute preview “Best Short Film” and “Special Jury Prize”. The Frontier International Film Festival enjoys the patronage of the Municipality of Pachino, the Sicilian Regional Assembly, the Regional Tourism Department, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the Sicilia Film Commission and the Film Studies Center. Municipality of Pachino Sicilian Regional Assembly Regional Tourism Department, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage Sicilia Film Commission Film Studies Center Municipality of Pachino Sicilian Regional Assembly Regional Tourism Department, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage Sicilia Film Commission Film Studies Center Municipality of Pachino Sicilian Regional Assembly Regional Tourism Department, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage Sicilia Film Commission Film Studies Center play youtube play youtube play youtube xvideos porn xnxx xxx mp3 download free Hentai save tik Free MP3 Valentine S Cake Ideas xvideos
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